@swagger-api/apidom-error – readme
# @swagger-api/apidom-error
`apidom-error` provides several error classes in support of [Joyent's Best Practices for Error Handling in Node.js](http://web.archive.org/web/20150221074228/http://www.joyent.com/developers/node/design/errors).
These error classes should be used as a superclass for all **operational errors**.
Operational errors represent run-time problems experienced by correctly-written programs.
Error classes from `apidom-error` handle complexities of extending native Error class
and support [error chaining](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error/cause)
in backward and forward compatible way.
## Base errors
Base errors are meant to directly be thrown by ApiDOM code or to be extended
to form custom error hierarchies.
### ApiDOMError
Basic error class that can be easily extended and form error chains.
import { ApiDOMError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const error1 = new ApiDOMError('error message'); // basic error
const error2 = new ApiDOMError('error message', { cause: new Error('cause') }); // error chain
### ApiDOMStructuredError
Error class that is based on `ApiDOMError` and allows to assign arbitrary data properties to its instances.
import { ApiDOMStructuredError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const error1 = new ApiDOMStructuredError('error message', { cause: new Error('cause') }); // just like ApiDOMError
const error2 = new ApiDOMStructuredError('error message', {
prop1: 'value1',
prop2: 3,
error2.prop1; // => 'value1'
error2.prop2; // => 3
Although structured error class gives convenience by assigning arbitrary properties
it's highly recommended to extend `ApiDOMStructuredError` class and create public properties
import { ApiDOMStructuredError, ApiDOMErrorOptions } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
interface StructuredErrorOptions extends ApiDOMErrorOptions {
readonly prop1: string;
readonly prop2: number;
class PropError extends ApiDOMStructuredError {
public readonly prop1: string;
public readonly prop2: number;
constructor(message?: string, options?: StructuredErrorOptions) {
super(message, options)
if (typeof options !== 'undefined') {
this.prop1 = options.prop1;
this.prop2 = options.prop2;
### ApiDOMAggregateError
`ApiDOMAggregateError` can be easily extended and represents instance of an error when
several errors need to be wrapped in a single error. It is thrown when multiple errors
need to be reported by an operation. Supports error chaining as well.
import { ApiDOMAggregateError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const error1 = new Error('error1');
const error2 = new Error('error2');
const cause = new Error('optional cause');
const aggregateError = new ApiDOMAggregateError([error1, error2], 'aggregate error', {
This class is based on native [AggregateError], and due to the fact that JavaScript
classes don't support multiple inheritance, it cannot also be based on `ApiDOMError`.
Nevertheless, for convenience, following will work:
import { ApiDOMAggregateError, ApiDOMError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const aggregateError = new ApiDOMAggregateError([]);
aggregateError instanceof ApiDOMError; // => true
aggregateError instanceof AggregateError; // => true
## Generic custom errors
Generic custom errors represents custom errors that are generic enough
to be used across ApiDOM monorepo packages and are not specific to any
particular ApiDOM package.
### UnsupportedOperationError
This error class that is based on `ApiDOMError`. Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.
import { UnsupportedOperationError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const error = new UnsupportedOperationError('error message');
### NotImplementedError
Error class that is based on `UnsupportedOperationError` and. It is thrown to indicate that a block
of code has not been implemented. This exception provides a more semantically rich description
of the problem than base `ApiDOMError`.
import { NotImplementedError } from '@swagger-api/apidom-error';
const error = new NotImplementedError('error message');